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The Eastern Sierra

Court Appointed Special Advocated (CASA) provides trained volunteers to be champions for the individualized best interests of children in Foster Care in Inyo and Mono counties.

2025 Resilience Symposium

Our Mission

The mission of CASA is to ensure a safe, permanent and nurturing home for every abused and/or neglected child in the Eastern Sierra by providing a highly-trained volunteer to advocate for them within the dependency court system.


Our goal is to make a positive and long-lasting difference in each child's life.


Each day in California, approximately 70 children join the state’s population of nearly 80,000 children in foster care. These children were abused or neglected and then removed from their families and the place they called home. Though they have social workers and lawyers, these professionals can and do change during the course of a child’s case.


A CASA volunteer is a dependable, caring adult who stays with a child throughout the duration of their case, working with the professionals to ensure their child’s voice is heard. They are appointed by a judge to be ‘the eyes and ears’ of the court. CASA volunteers offer a neutral, third-party opinion to the court, one that is unbiased and child-focused.

What does
a CASA do?

A CASA Volunteer is a consistent support for a child in their time of crisis. Advocates care deeply and work for the best interest of children who enter the court system as a result of abuse, neglect, and abandonment. Advocates form a relationship with their assigned child and interview parents, teachers, social workers, and anyone who might have insight into the needs, challenges, and strengths of the child. Volunteers work as part of a team (with professionals) to ensure the child’s best interests are being met.

how to become
an advocate

Request Information

Submit an Application

All potential advocates must fill out an application, pass background checks, and participate in an “interview” with CASA staff. Get started now!


Download CASA Volunteer Application

Complete Advocate Training

  • Complete 30 hours of training.

  • Participate in a court observation.

  • Get sworn in by the Courts.

  • Get assigned to a child in our community.

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